Round 3 and Update

I figured it would be a good time for an update on Jeremy since it's been a bit since I gave one.  So the good news... last week we started seeing a lot of the fluids come off of Jeremy's body! We didn't need to go in to have another drain done which was a relief for him... and for me. Today, the doctor said she could see an improvement from the first time he had seen her in the office. She had told us in the beginning that he probably wouldn't get some relief with the fluids until about the fourth treatment when the lesions would start shrinking and his body would slow down on responding with inflammation, so we were really happy to see his body responding on the second treatment. Now that he started round 3 today, we are hoping and praying to see more improvement. His…



Many of you know, the day Jeremy came home from the hospital, I discovered Penny our Great Pyrenees had an infection and glaucoma that had  left her blind. I was overwhelmed and questioned God as to why He allowed that to happen...right then. Thankfully my dear friends jumped in and took care of her round the clock medicine schedule along with the numerous follow up appointments. The infection and inflammation improved, but she remained blind. We started making accommodations to caring for a blind pet.  I have been holding off on saying anything because I wanted to have Penny checked by the vet before I did. Sunday, she was still walking into chairs and doors that were left slightly closed/opened but by Monday morning, I noticed she was tracking me. By the end of the day, I was convinced she could see. There was no doubt in my mind she…


Round 2 of Chemo Done

It's a rainy, cool morning and the house is really quiet except for the occasional huff coming from Penny. I figured I would hop on here and give an update. Yesterday, Jeremy went in to have his pump taken down, thus completing round two of chemo. We found out this week that after his fourth treatment, he will need to have another scan done to see if it is most likely after another month. His RBC's were low but they are working on that, but apparently it is a common issue with chemo. The first 24 hours of this treatment weren't bad for Jeremy, but about midday Thursday, it hit him and hit him hard and continued into Friday. The doctor gave him some new meds for the nausea so we shall see how that goes now that he tries to recover. I have such mixed feelings about his…