Round 3 and Update

I figured it would be a good time for an update on Jeremy since it’s been a bit since I gave one. 

So the good news… last week we started seeing a lot of the fluids come off of Jeremy’s body! We didn’t need to go in to have another drain done which was a relief for him… and for me. Today, the doctor said she could see an improvement from the first time he had seen her in the office. She had told us in the beginning that he probably wouldn’t get some relief with the fluids until about the fourth treatment when the lesions would start shrinking and his body would slow down on responding with inflammation, so we were really happy to see his body responding on the second treatment. Now that he started round 3 today, we are hoping and praying to see more improvement. His leg has been hurting him pretty badly for weeks and makes it difficult for him to move around.  She will have another ultrasound repeated on Friday to rule out a blood clot, but she feels that it is just fluid in tissue causing him the pain. If that is all it is, then he will have to just wait it out. He did have a superficial blood clot two weeks ago in his arm, but they aren’t as concerned about those types and it had resolved itself by the time she actually had gotten his US report. 

So the eh news… He has had some good days and some bad days when it comes to eating. He has lost some more weight but we aren’t sure if the fluids contributed to that. I’m a little apprehensive about the next couple days and more weight loss since it is worse on chemo days and the few days following. He doesn’t have anymore fat on his body to lose so please be praying for that. 

Today has been long, though not as hard as last week, but I am looking forward to getting the girls in bed so I can go to bed too. I wanted to thank you so many of you that have been loving on us.  I really do appreciate you and am grateful that we have so many people who keep showing up in so many different ways to not only care for Jeremy but for me too. I am humbled and grateful. 

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