I started this website as a place to share our homesteading journey when my late husband and I, along with our three children, transitioned from our three years of homesteading in a subdivision to homesteading a five-acre farm with lots of space to dream, learn and grow. To share the lessons and how to’s that we were learning. Never did I imagine where our journey would take us and the lessons that it would teach us.

Nor did I imagine that I would lose my teammate and best friend along the way. That I would have to figure out “What now? What even was my purpose of doing this?”

What I have discovered, that even without him, is that this homesteading journey is still taking us places. It’s still teaching us and we are still growing from it.

Thank you for joining me as I continue to share our story as it unfolds, as it is written, as we learn to move forward in it, even with a piece of our dream missing.

~ Dee