Foundation One and Other Musings

It seems to be that we are waiting forever to get test results back on the Foundation One biopsy. This is the test that will see if Jeremy is a match to immunotherapy, possible clinical trials, or other meds. Unfortunately, the bone marrow biopsy from the hospital didn't have enough to run the test and so a sample of what was taken during the endoscopy was sent in. However two days ago, we found out that wasn't enough either. The type of cancer that he has (no tumor) didn't allow for the doctor to take more without causing more injury. So... he went in yesterday to get blood drawn to run it that way. So we wait more.  After reading up on immunotherapy, I realized everything was saying that immunotherapy was only tried after chemo had proven ineffective. The oncologist confirmed this. Jeremy is supposed to have another scan after the…



Many of you know, the day Jeremy came home from the hospital, I discovered Penny our Great Pyrenees had an infection and glaucoma that had  left her blind. I was overwhelmed and questioned God as to why He allowed that to happen...right then. Thankfully my dear friends jumped in and took care of her round the clock medicine schedule along with the numerous follow up appointments. The infection and inflammation improved, but she remained blind. We started making accommodations to caring for a blind pet.  I have been holding off on saying anything because I wanted to have Penny checked by the vet before I did. Sunday, she was still walking into chairs and doors that were left slightly closed/opened but by Monday morning, I noticed she was tracking me. By the end of the day, I was convinced she could see. There was no doubt in my mind she…


If You Give a Girl a Homestead

The name of my blog came to me the day I posted on social media about how homesteading felt very much like a If You Give a Mouse a Cookie book. Now granted, I know motherhood feels that way in general, especially when all your littles are very little. However, having a homestead takes it to a whole new level. It's kinda like re-enacting If You Give a Mouse a Cookie while simultaneously re-enacting If You Give a Pig a Pancake along with If You Give a Dog a Donut. It can get a little crazy around here. If you are reading this and have a homestead, I have a feeling you are nodding your head and very much relating. Below is the (edited) account of one of those times I felt like my life had become the storybook titledĀ If You Give a Girl a Homestead. So without further ado,…