Update 12/12

So it’s been a bit since I updated on how Jeremy is doing.  Jeremy just finished up his last chemo for this first round of treatments on Wednesday. He will have one more round of 28 days before he has another scan to see if this chemo is effective.  He has tolerated this chemo way better than the first type of chemo he was on. Now I cringe at thinking how hard it was on him, especially in comparison to this one. It’s even more frustrating to know that it didn’t work and he suffered unnecessarily. But it is what it is.  Next chemo day is the day after Christmas so we are happy that he gets a break. He does have another paracentesis on Monday because of the ever present fluid buildup.  He actually has had a couple good days though, which is wonderful because before we were happy if we got a good couple of hours. He did start getting sick last week and got on a treatment for bronchitis/pneumonia, but it never went that far. For that we are grateful. I think it was something different than what the kids had because that was a doozy. Unfortunately, the grandparents weren’t as fortunate, along with their aunt. I am grateful that they were willing to take the kids because I don’t think Jeremy’s body could have tolerated that virus.

He has an appointment down at Emory next week just for a second opinion. We had been holding off pursuing Mayo or Emory (anything further, Jeremy couldn’t handle the traveling…the Mayo Clinic would be pushing it) until the results of the Foundation One biopsy came back. When we found out the third sample was inconclusive, along with the encouragement of a connection at Mayo, we decided to go ahead pursuing a second opinion at Emory despite the fact we are waiting for the biopsy to come back. Our understanding is that the results from that biopsy will not only tell us if immunotherapy is a possibility, but also if he would qualify for a clinical trial thus the reason for holding off going to Emory. Jeremy is currently with Northside Cancer Institute and his oncologist actually has worked for Mayo before coming up here. We have really liked her and her approach. She has always been honest, but positive, something I have really appreciated and I know we both needed. She has also been aggressive with how she wanted to treat him because of the type and progression of his cancer.  I have a tendency to take over and try to take control of things to make thing happen the way I think they should happen. I believe my sister has called me a bulldog on quite a few occasions. 😁  But that is something that I have realized and been convicted of from the very beginning of this journey. I can’t with this. I’m not saying I sit back and just let things happen and not ask questions or push when pushing needs to be done because goodness knows I’ve done that.  But with each step, we have purposefully and intentionally stopped and ask God for guidance. And honestly despite the awfulness of this situation and feeling that awfulness along with all the other emotions that are involved, I have had a peace when it comes to his treatment.  But the key has been stopping at each step, keeping us–me especially–in check by acknowledging that we have no control over this but that God does. Not only acknowledging this but  asking for discernment in terms of treatment.   And there has been peace in that. So please be praying for our appointment on Tuesday as we meet with another oncologist that specializes in gastrointestinal cancers. Pray for discernment and peace as we move forward.

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