Christmas and Biopsy Results

First, I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and created wonderful memories. That’s what I have told people the last couple weeks… make beautiful memories. Not social media picture perfect memories though, but true memories. Memories that are more documented in the heart (though it is ok to document them on social media).  This is going to be a long post and some may think I have overshared, but I do want to be honest and transparent with how we are doing. Trust me, I don’t share everything. 😊  By sharing Jeremy’s diagnosis and asking for prayer, we have invited you along on this journey. And honestly I share with you what has been laid on my heart to share. I actually do pray about what to type here before I do. So here it is. I do get asked a…


Second Opinion

We headed to Emory today for a second opinion today. It was a long and tiring day for Jeremy, BUT we got a second opinion and the doctor who specializes in gastric cancers said they would not do anything different than what Jeremy's oncologist is doing for him. He didn't tell us anything different than what we already knew and confirmed that the Foundation One biopsy is important in knowing how we can move forward with his treatment. So today's appointment confirmed what we already had peace about and now this doctor can be used as a resource especially when the biopsy results come back, hopefully within the next two weeks. He was more than willing to discuss those with Jeremy's oncologist when she gets the results.  Tomorrow morning, we head back to the hospital for hopefully the last procedure until after Christmas. He had a paracentesis done on Monday…


Update 12/12

So it’s been a bit since I updated on how Jeremy is doing.  Jeremy just finished up his last chemo for this first round of treatments on Wednesday. He will have one more round of 28 days before he has another scan to see if this chemo is effective.  He has tolerated this chemo way better than the first type of chemo he was on. Now I cringe at thinking how hard it was on him, especially in comparison to this one. It’s even more frustrating to know that it didn’t work and he suffered unnecessarily. But it is what it is.  Next chemo day is the day after Christmas so we are happy that he gets a break. He does have another paracentesis on Monday because of the ever present fluid buildup.  He actually has had a couple good days though, which is wonderful because before we were happy if we got…


Another Biopsy

I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. For everyone who posted or sent texts filled with pumpkin pie, thank you! Some of them made me laugh out loud. You all are great. This morning, we went in to have Jeremy's other lung drained of fluid and we found out that he could do the abdomen too instead of having to go in tomorrow for that. Holy cow, he had a lot of fluid. Everything went well and he came home to eat and then go take a nap. We were up pretty early to be there at 7 am. Thankfully Mom and Dad took the kids last night and Mom made sure they got to school today. Well the older two that is. There was lots of jumping around and rearranging schedules by my sister and dad to stay home with Ari who started getting sick yesterday. She'll stay an…