Procedures and Tests

We haven’t had the appointment with the oncologist yet this week but Jeremy saw his CT scan results last week and talked a little bit with the doctor yesterday over the phone. Unfortunately  (or maybe fortunately…not sure on that one yet), his cancer has spread and grown. Chemo didn’t work at stabilizing him. We are still waiting on the results to see if he has any markers to do immunotherapy. I am a bit frustrated with that because we knew they most likely didn’t have enough in the first two tests to get a good reading, but because of protocol, this is the procedure they had to follow. I had thought by the time he was done with Round 4 and had the results, we would know if he had other options. However, there is still Hope and Hope is good. Of course, when I read the report, I couldn’t breathe. I did not like what I was reading. However, as I was processing it all, I realized it may not be a bad thing. They wouldn’t do immunotherapy if chemo was working, but the doctor had already said chemo wouldn’t get rid of it. So….maybe this is a good thing? Now we wait and hope that he has another option in terms of treatment. 

He also has a couple other things going on. Fluid has significantly built up on his lungs and it is time to take care of that by draining. They can only do one lung a day in case of complications. Apparently breathing is important and you need at least one lung to be working in order to do that (if you don’t know me, that was my humor talking. I really do know lungs are important for breathing). As of right now, I believe he will go in Friday for one lung and then Monday for the other. We may need to do another paracentesis next week too as he is starting to feel it, but we will talk to the doctor about that tomorrow. AND she wants to start him on another antibody therapy and chemo that has been approved for gastric cancer as we wait for the other test results. I am hoping this chemo does not involve the chemo pump coming home with us. We don’t know when that will be yet. Lots of questions for tomorrow. 

Jeremy hasn’t been feeling well at all. Eating and drinking still proves to be a struggle and at this point is not chemo related. Please be praying for his spirits. It is wearing on him and he could use some encouragement. 

So that is the update. Despite it all, we do have a lot to be thankful for this season. At the end of the day, we thank God for another day together. We realize now…like heart realize…what a gift this is. We are thankful for family. There is no way that I could do this without them. Just taking Eli to the orthodontist yesterday would not have been possible without my mom coming here to hang out with Jeremy and Ari (Josie convinced PawPaw to take her Christmas shopping, something I couldn’t do at this point). I know Jeremy is thankful for pumpkin pie.  😁 After his last paracentesis, when I brought him french toast with whipped cream, he got overwhelmed when he realized that he may be able to have and enjoy pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving. Anyone who knows Jeremy knows how much he LOVES pumpkin pie. In fact, he is willing to go head to head with his mother-in-law in how the whipped cream should be served with pumpkin pie, that is how passionate he is about his pumpkin pie. He has had two pies brought to him since he made that statement, ironically one from said mother-in-law, and though they were given to him in small pieces and he had to eat them slowly, he has enjoyed them. We are  thankful for all of you, your meals,  your prayers, your cards,  your gifts, your texts, your messages, your thoughts, your offers of help. It means a lot to know how much you all care. 

We hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Give your loved ones an extra hug and enjoy your pumpkin pie. It will make Jeremy happy.

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