Blood Clot

I thought with each treatment we would have a better idea of patterns so we would know what to expect each time. Silly me. We are dealing with cancer. What was I thinking!?! Jeremy has been doing ok, but not as well as I would hope or expected. Apparently, I need to learn to take each day as they come, or even each hour, because sometimes that even changes. We’ve been able to get some food and fluids in him, but not as much as we would like. He’s trying though. He definitely gets an A for effort. 

His leg had still been really bothering him. He had a ultrasound done in the hospital back in September because of that leg. It had been clean, but we chose to have it looked at again yesterday for peace of mind.  The area that hurts is fine, just fluid in the tissue, but he does have a blood clot that starts behind his knee and goes down his calf. They opted to send us home with a script for a blood thinner. Unfortunately, we ran into problems with the insurance on that and by the time we found out about it, the doctor’s office was closed. I spent the evening, with the help of my sister telling me what to do ( grateful she has been working in a pharmacy for almost 20 years), trying to get a few pills for last night and this morning. We were successful so we were able to get him started on that. Please pray that his clot dissolves as quickly as possible and that we get the prescription issue worked out quickly too. * Update…. insurance issues worked out! Picking up rest of his meds today. 

So, that’s where we are at. I’ve been warned that this journey is a roller coaster. They weren’t lying. It is on so many levels. It does make you appreciate the days or hours when things are going well. I’m learning how to enjoy those moments, in the moment, trying not to dwell or worry about the lows that we may experience. Not always successful with that, but at least I’m trying! 😝

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