If You Give a Girl a Homestead

The name of my blog came to me the day I posted on social media about how homesteading felt very much like a If You Give a Mouse a Cookie book. Now granted, I know motherhood feels that way in general, especially when all your littles are very little. However, having a homestead takes it to a whole new level. It's kinda like re-enacting If You Give a Mouse a Cookie while simultaneously re-enacting If You Give a Pig a Pancake along with If You Give a Dog a Donut. It can get a little crazy around here. If you are reading this and have a homestead, I have a feeling you are nodding your head and very much relating. Below is the (edited) account of one of those times I felt like my life had become the storybook titledĀ If You Give a Girl a Homestead. So without further ado,…