The Journey

Where to begin? I know I should have been writing about my homesteading journey from the beginning, but somehow other things have taken over and I haven’t taken the time to write out what I’ve been experiencing when I was experiencing it. I wish I had. The short snippets that I have posted on social media don’t even scratch the surface of all the deep underlying richness of what I have experienced, nor the raw disappointment and helplessness that comes along with this lifestyle. Homesteading seems to be on a lot of people’s minds these days and is a movement that seems to be growing. There is a  romanticism to it that draws people’s attention. Maybe we felt it as a child while we read the Little House books.  Or maybe our high tech world feels like it is spinning out of control despite smart phones, tablets and computers offering…


Not My Favorite

One of my main goals here at Hidden Ridge Farm is to be able to grow and raise food for our family. That was the drive for us to sell our house in a subdivision and to move out onto a piece of property where we could raise chickens and cows. One of my top priorities when we first moved, other than painting, unpacking and pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming that we finally found a place, was to raise meat birds. I wanted to do it right away. Ok let’s be honest. I wanted to do everything right away, but I figured that out of everything, this would be the easiest. Ha! I had to stop after I wrote that and laugh…easiest not so much…yeah, hindsight, I had no idea back then. Poor naive, Dee. But I digress. I had some decisions to make. Things to consider…