Day 2

Day 2: This morning I woke up around 6:30 with dread. Last night when I went to bed I was seriously questioning my sanity. Ok, I’ve always questioned it but REALLY questioned it. We got a later start than I had wanted and I looked for a place to get an extra tire, but struck out. I think because it is Sunday. Walmart’s tire department was closed due to covid though, so maybe both. I made sure to keep my speed at 60 mph, praying not to have another blow out. Today was fairly uneventful, thank goodness. We stopped at LeTourneau University and I could tell that it was soothing to my older two. I don’t really know how to explain it. I watched as they took off on an empty campus and I could tell their hearts were full imaging their dad as he walked around campus. They wanted to know where the lake was that Dad drove the car into but since I didn’t hear about that story until his memorial service, I couldn’t help them out with that one. As we drove through Texas, we watched as the landscape changed and took note of it. One of Josie’s favorite part of the drive was seeing all the wind turbines. She took lots of pictures for me while I drove. After another looooong day (because I was driving 15mph below speed limit) we finally made it to Monahan Sandhill State Park.

We pulled into Monahans Sandhills State Park just as the sun set. What a breath taking sight to greet us! We parked the camper but the kids had to enjoy the Sandhills a little before all the light went away. Even Bob was loving it.

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