Monday’s Update

Still here. We slept well last night, due to Lola, the bossy nurse, working with me to come up with a schedule to disturb him the least amount of times as possible. I call her bossy because she basically told me I was going to sleep and she was going to help him in the middle of the night if he needed it. 😆 I like her kind of bossy. 💜 We were close to be going home today. Calcium levels are within safe range and kidney function numbers look good. A few things have popped up and it looks like we may be here another night. Sooooo.... Here we stay.


Kidney Function, Calcium, & CT Scan

Looks like Jeremy's kidney function is back in the normal range! Grateful they were able to find the problem and correct it before there was kidney damage. The doctor said it was a good sign that his numbers improved so quickly after putting in the stents. They will continue to monitor this as we move forward and hopefully nothing else will need to be done.  His calcium continues to stay too low for it to be safe to go home so he will be here probably for the next 2-3 days as they work to bring that up. The type of chemo he is on is most likely the culprit for this issue as it is a known side effect. We learned the results of the CT scan. The mass in his chest wall has decreased in size and the other known masses appear stable.  Unfortunately,  they found another mass in…


January 17, 2020

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted an update on Jeremy, so while I'm sitting in a bay at the hospital waiting for him to come back from having a para and thora done, I thought I would hop on here.  Last week he finished his last chemo for this round and so now it's time for a CT scan to see if it's working. We will head over to have the scan done around noon today.  The oncologist is hopeful that it is being effective. We go back to see her on Thursday so I'm assuming we will go over the results then.  Unfortunately there are no clinical trials in GA that Jeremy would qualify for at this point.  Every day is a roller coaster, some bad days with some better days. Jeremy has been able to eat, though nowhere near pre-cancer standards and has slowed down the…